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Welcome To My Home Page
Hi, My name is Rosanna and I just started this page on 4-16-01.
I figured I'd start a page for my Low Carb Way Of Eating. I will add pictures as I get them taken to help with my progress.
I started this WOE 3-27-01. I originally weighed 192. In my first 2 weeks I lost 15 pounds. But thanks to the Easter holiday I put back on 3 pounds. Oh well I got back on track this morning. And hope to get back in the routine and lose a bunch more. My goal weight is 140. I haven't been 140 in I know 7 years.

I would always be around that weight till one day I went to my then Dr and he did my blood work and found out my thyroid was under-active and he put me on Synthroid. Ever since then I gained weight. I got up to 189 pounds and couldn't take it anymore. I quit taking the medicine. And changed Doctors and my new Doctor worked with me due to my weight and put me on some diet pills (Adipex-P) and water pills (Lasix). I lost quite a bit of weight. I got back down to about 150. Then that's when all that stuff was going around with Fenphen & Redux. So he didn't prescribe me anymore meds. So I maintained that weight for a long time. My weight stayed around 160-165 for months. Then everytime I did my yearly blood work my thyroid horomone was a little off. And finally it was too high, this Dr. put me on Synthroid. That was back in June 2000. And that's when I gained all my weight. So just before christmas I said I couldn't handle the weight anymore. I couldn't afford to keep buying new clothes and I wasn't feeling healthy anymore. After gaining 29 pounds in 5 1/2 months. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was uncomfortable. Most of my weight is in my belly area. And it was hard to get out of the recliner after sitting down or hard to tie my shoes due to my stomach being in the way. And I don't have any kids of my own so I don't have a baby pouch. So needless to say I quit taking my meds. The Dr wants me to do my bloodwork again this month. I go back to him in May for the results. I will post the results on this page.

This picture was taken at Glamour Shots in January 2001.
Not sure exactly how much I weighed here. I would guess about 189.

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